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NSTA 2024

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Excited and want to join us this summer?

Apply Now: 2024-2025 Science and Cooking for Secondary Science Teachers Program


We are looking for enthusiastic teachers ready to transform their students' experiences in the science classroom through food-based lessons and labs!


This program involves an 8-day hybrid summer workshop at Harvard University, as well as continued engagement through the school year. Learn more and apply now!

Free Lesson Resources



Where to Start?

Air in Ice Cream: Lab Design & Density

Explore the importance of air in ice cream by analyzing the amount of air in different ice cream samples and comparing methods of adding air in an easy no-churn ice cream lab.

Chai and Tea: States of Matter and Models

Explore states of matter and temperature by making tea. This lesson also builds a foundation for making observations, developing models, and designing investigations.

Flour & Chocolate Chip Cookies: Measurements & Precision

Explore measurements, precision/accuracy, conversions and scaling through a classroom-friendly chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Salt: Separation Methods and Properties (gr5-8)

Explore how salt is extracted and made, how and why different types of salt vary, and salt’s purpose in food and cooking.

Sports Drinks & Electrolytes: Atomic Structure & Ions

Explore atomic structure and ions by unpacking what electrolytes are, why we need them, and why they are in sports drinks.

Flour & Flatbread: Measurements & Precision

Explore the importance of precision and accuracy when measuring ingredients by gathering evidence in multiple activities that can be used to support a Claim in a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning response.

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