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In this 5-8 day lesson, students explore how salt is extracted and made, how and why different types of salt vary, and salt’s purpose in food and cooking.


Prerequisite: Ideally, students have completed our Sports Drinks and Electrolytes lesson, which covers these concepts.


This Lesson Includes:

  • Teacher Lesson Plan with Essential Questions, Objectives, and NGSS standards, Lab Preparation (Materials, Ingredients, Amazon Lists when appropriate, and Tips & Tricks) and day-by-day lesson plans
  • Classroom Slides with directions for lesson flow, turn and talk prompts, illustrations and graphics, embedded videos, and whole group reflection questions
  • Student Handouts with step-by-step lab directions and other activities
  • Videos: an instructional lab video and a fun and informative "Science Behind" video


All materials are included in a Google Drive folder.

Salt (Grades 9-12)

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