In this 19-27 day unit, students complete 4 lessons around the idea of chemical reactions. This unit s intended to be used for introductory high school chemistry classes. Students explore different chemical reactions through phenomena that include ricotta, yeast breads like naan, popping boba, and barbecue.
Science practices are heavily emphasized and include developing models, asking questions, analyzing and interpreting data, engaging in arguments from evidence, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Each Lesson Includes:
- Teacher Lesson Plan with Essential Questions, Objectives, and NGSS standards, Lab Preparation (Materials, Ingredients, Amazon Lists when appropriate, and Tips & Tricks) and day-by-day lesson plans
- Classroom Slides with directions for lesson flow, turn and talk prompts, illustrations and graphics, embedded videos, and whole group reflection questions
- Student Handouts with step-by-step lab directions and other activities
- Instructional Lab Videos & "Science Behind" Videos
All materials are included in Google Drive folders. (Online Resources)
HS Chem Unit 3: Texture (Chemical Rxns)
Online Resources